Race For The Cure — How Far We Have Come
It’s PINKTOBER, and everybody is donating, educating or getting involved in Breast Cancer Awareness month! The pink takeover is upon us, so it’s hard to believe that not too long ago, none of this existed.
Breast cancer itself was unheard of until the early 20th century, and even upon its discovery, it was considered incurable like most cancers at the time. Most research centers did not even have $500,000 in breast cancer research funds allotted to them, so early detection and suitable treatments were virtually nonexistent.
Tragically, up until the 1970s, the only cure for breast cancer was a “one-step” operation, completely removing the breasts, chest muscles and surrounding lymph-nodes, despite the tumor size or the woman’s preference.
Through the second wave of feminism, women started to take a stand against the breast cancer stigma, raising awareness of the condition, early detection and treatment options. The first official breast cancer awareness event took place in October 1985, and the famous pink ribbon campaign was conceived in the early 1990s.
Since 1982, the Susan G. Komen foundation has funded more than $988 million in research and more than $2.2 billion in education, screening and treatment. Since 1993, more than 13 million walkers across the United States have raised more than $810 million to save lives from breast cancer through The American Cancer Society’s Making Strides events.
Without them and the thousands of supporting businesses and organizations working together around the world, breast cancer treatment would not be as advanced as it is today.
Live in the Tampa Bay Area and looking for a way to get involved? Check out these local fundraising events taking place throughout October and November.
Epic Specialty Staffing is looking forward to participating in PINKTOBER by sharing the most up to date features and facts regarding Breast Cancer Awareness! Check back with us every week in October for our blogs and social media posts containing regular updates on breast cancer news.