Surviving and Thriving Through Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer survivorship is a term with many meanings. For most, it merely means surviving cancer, but for those directly affected by this disease, survivorship has a much more profound definition. To these individuals, survivorship entails living with, through and beyond cancer diagnosis, treatment and remission without losing sight of who they are beyond their condition. Breast cancer has not defined who they are and who they strive to be every day!
Survivorship goes hand-in-hand with resilience, or the ability to bounce back. Individuals with breast cancer are like a rubber band — no matter how far they are stretched, they always seem to snap back into place. Not to be confused with positivity, resilience doesn’t mean that one has to view the world as glass-half-full. Instead, it means that they have accepted the cards life has dealt them, and they consciously choose to rise above with hope, strength and perseverance!
Epic Specialty Staffing recognizes and appreciates the strides breast cancer survivors actively take every day to better their lives and the lives of others. From charitable donations to support groups to educational blogs, breast cancer survivors have taken action against their affliction to pull others into the welcoming survivorship community.
Within Epic Specialty Staffing’s own neighborhood of Tampa Bay, countless organizations have made it their mission to support breast cancer patients and survivors. One example is the Bake’n Babes bakery, which donated proceeds from their “Think Pink! Freak Shake” this month directly to a young woman battling breast cancer. The idea originated from one of the store’s bakers, who is also a breast cancer survivor! (Full story)
Additionally, former Tampa Bay Buccaneer, Paul Dombroski, recently announced his survival of breast cancer in an effort to break unjust perceptions and encourage other men to play a more active role in their health. His announcement comes before the Tampa Bay Bucs Treasure Chests 5k and Fun Run taking place Sunday, Nov 10, which will benefit breast cancer education and research.
Across the nation, breast cancer survivors are opening up and using their stories to help others regain their sense of self after their diagnosis. Breast cancer survivorship blogs are plentiful and offer insight into some of the most fundamental topics such as support, health, advocacy and sexuality.
Breast Cancer Blogs:
- Living Beyond Breast Cancer
- Breast Cancer Care
- Rethink Breast Cancer
- Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer
Epic Specialty Staffing is proud to have been a part of PINKTOBER by sharing the most up to date features and facts regarding Breast Cancer Awareness. We hope we were able to encourage everyone to take part in the month’s charitable events and donate to the cause.